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Our aim is to empower elementary school kids to become stewards of the water cycle by providing them with the knowledge and skills to understand and protect it.

Currently we are a team of six, passionate about all maters water cycle.

Download Our E-book here


Water Cycle

Fresh Water


Explore With us

Aquaworld isn't just a website, it's your underwater headquarters for exploring the amazing water cycle! This incredible cycle keeps our planet healthy, but a villain called climate change is disrupting it, putting everything at risk. We can become Water Warriors by learning how to save this cycle. Here at Aquaworld, we'll show you just how amazing the water cycle is, and how YOU can make a real difference! Our kid-friendly platform is designed to educate you about the water cycle and climate change. We'll create awareness and equip you with the knowledge to protect this vital resource, making you a hero in the fight against climate change.

Dive in and discover fun facts, games, and tips to become a water whiz! Remember, every drop counts. So let's work together to keep the water cycle healthy and our planet happy!


Fun Info

Education Resources

First things first, what is fresh water? Fresh water is the water that we use for drinking, cooking, and many other things in our daily lives. It's also vital for plants and animals to survive. Fresh water can be found in rivers, lakes, and underground sources like aquifers. Why Fresh Water Matters: Fresh water is incredibly important for all living things.We need it to drink, grow our food, and keep our environment healthy. Animals and plants depend on fresh water too. If fresh water sources disappear because of climate change, we could face many problems, like water shortages and challenges in growing the food we eat.

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Date: July , 2024 Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Details: Join us for an underwater exploration adventure. Date: August 5, 20244 Time: 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Details: Learn about marine conservation and how you can help

Stay posted

Climate change and Oceans

Oceans are beautiful and full of life. But climate change is causing big problems for our oceans. The Earth is getting warmer, and this is causing the sea level to rise. The sea level is rising because the water in the oceans is expanding as it gets warmer, and because ice is melting on land and flowing into the oceans. The rising sea level is a big problem for people who live on the coast. It can cause flooding and make it difficult for people to live in their homes. Climate change is also causing pollution in our oceans. When factories and other businesses release waste into the water, it can kill fish and plants and disrupt the marine ecosystem.

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Latest Project

fun game

interact with our fun game


Let us dive in to the magical world of imagination.


challange yourself with various exercises.

Our SuperTeam

Shen Lee

Hi there, i deal with the tech part of this beautiful project Aquaworld

Grace Awiti

Hello,I take charge and ensure that everything concerning Aquaworld is in check.

Razoa Kundu

Hello,i am the Chief Marketer.

Abigael Jeruto

Hello,i manage financial resources for Aquaworld.

Brenda Juma

Hello,i deal with the creative part that is creating the e-book and video resource.

Vivian Alichula

Hello,i am the treasurer for Aquaworld.

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